Type of session

  • One to one healing sessions

  • Distant healings

  • Healing/harmonising situations

  • Clearing spaces and houses



One to one distant Sessions

Distant Healing is performed when the client is not physically present. It is possible because everything is connected. We may feel separate, but we are connected to all of life and are part of a web of life. As such, if through my intention I energetically connect to a client and I intend to channel energy, the energies are bridged through the connectedness to the client.

Due to the level of my VortexHealing training, nearly all the tools I use work just as effectively at a distance. There is also the advantage of being able to receive these sessions in the comfort of your own home and not having to travel. I connect with clients on zoom, by Skype or over the phone. There is an initial consultation period which is performed sitting, I then encourage clients to lie down to receive the healing whilst keeping the call on, so that i can give any guidance as the session unfolds. Once the energy work is complete we then check in again to close the session.

Harmonising situations

In the second level of VortexHealing called ‘Magical structures’, we learn to work with ‘Merlin’s Global Healing Grid’.  Any situation can be put into the Global Healing Grid, such as disharmony in a relationship, a family, a business or an organisation. The grid will then work on this situation aligning it with higher truth and higher intention, so that whatever is out of this alignment can shift. Think of a situation emitting a frequency of sound that is discordant. The grid will begin to harmonise this and 'tune' the discordance. As it does so, the physical manifestation of the situation will move towards harmony.

Clearing houses and spaces

Many cultures recognise the importance of having clear and flowing energies in a house or a space. The most well known being the Chinese system of Feng Shui. Whatever happens in a space or house leaves a imprint  there, which will begin to build up over time. You don’t have to be psychic to recognise this. We all have the experience of walking into a room or a house and either feeling a sense of peace and well being or feeling on edge. Emotions imprint on space very strongly. If someone is depressed then the imprint of that depression builds up in a space.  If they started to move out of their depression, the imprint in the space would make it harder to do so, it is like a groove that life has habitually occupied.

People also feel the energy of space when they move into a new house or flat. At first it doesn't necessarily feel like their home, because they are living in someone else's energy, but over time their own energy builds up there and then it will feel like their home.

Clearing a space or house, is like clearing the canvas of whatever has gone on there before, it is amazing what a lightness and spaciousness can be felt after a space is cleared. It can totally change the way we feel in relation to a space, and the authentic movement of life is much more easily able to move through. A clear space helps us to live much more in the present, as we are less influenced by the past. Space clearing can be performed at a distance.

Through the Earth works VortexHealing classes, I am able to open Divine Doors and Temples that can manifest different qualities into spaces or buildings such as peace, harmony,joy etc.